A New Year’s Resolution

January 15th came and went, and so did 92% of the people’s resolutions made just two weeks prior. Also, in case you missed it, January 17th was officially, “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day”.

Statistics show that only 8% of all people who set a New Year’s resolution actually stick with it. I have seen this first hand at the gym. The parking lot was packed the first week of the year and you could barely find a machine to workout on. 15 days later there was plenty of parking and I was able to workout on any machine I desired.

See, just like inspiration and motivation, resolutions are nothing without action. The word, “Resolution” itself only means to make a decision to either do or not do something. It says nothing about following through with said decision. We need to be resolute with our resolutions to make progress.

Have you found yourself in this position? The truth is, it’s ok, we’re not here to shame you, rather to re-ignite that fire within you. It takes time and patience to work toward accomplishing anything. My former Sensei and life coach introduced me to the Kaizen Method of success years ago. He saw me getting frustrated by not instantly achieving the results I desired. He came to me and said, “You are not going to achieve 100% success overnight. Rather, if you work at improving 1% every day, at the end of a year, you will reach 365% improvement overall. This improvement is greater than that 100% you initially wanted.”

That was a breakthrough moment for me and I learned a whole lot more about patience, perseverance and the results of incremental improvement in all aspects of my life. If you’ve given in and given up, it’s not too late to start again. Now. You have what it takes within you. You have all you need. Your potential and your greatness is already living inside; you just need action to produce results. I know you can.

Focus on that 1% each and every day and over time you will be amazed at what you have accomplished.

“Success is never an accident.”

Share your progress or if you find that you need more inspiration, e-mail me at: [email protected]

Nicholas Lucin

*Stats are based on research at the University of Scranton and Statistic Brain Research Institute